Choosing a name is hard, no matter if its for your child, your horse, your dog or your business.

You may have heard me share how Red Bear Equestrian came to be, although I will be sharing more on that again soon, in case you didn’t catch it last time.

For now though I wanted to share our names. Our name and our product names.

Our names are so important and all have meaning.

You may have noticed that majority of our clothing and some of our other items have names. These are all linked to our family in some way.

As a family business it was important to us that all our products, are products that we would use and also love. So it only seemed fitting we named them.

Each name you see has a meaning. For example the MAY knitwear – may is my mums and my daughters middle name. The ICE hoodie – ice is our much loved cat. The BELLA hoodie and PUD 1/4 zip sweatshirt are named after two of our dogs. How many other named items can you spot in our shop?

Each item has been named with a meaning and reason behind it. However there is one clothing item that needs a name, our original base layer. This is our best seller and one of my favourites. The kids have finally picked its name and it will be announced soon, but for now check out our other named items in our shop and see if you can guess who inspired them.

Then there is the most obvious name of all, our name, RED BEAR EQUESTRIAN.

The equestrian part is easy to understand, we aim to make equestrian life beautiful and practical.

However let me explain the rest. As I said we are a family business, the bear is for my daughter who is affectionately known as Lily-Bear. Red is for both of my boys. We toyed with how to put their stamp onto the name for a few days and then we realised the one thing they both share a passion for is football, they both support the same team and one of my boys plays for them. Their main colour is red so Red Bear Equestrian was born.

I am so excited to share with you what we have planned for 2021, there are some exciting things coming up and I cannot wait to have you on the journey with us.

Hayley x