by redbearequestrian | Feb 26, 2024 | Blog, Uncategorized
It has been a while since I have written a blog but this is the start of a series about our products. If you’re a rider who’s tired of struggling to find riding clothes that fit *just right*, you’ve landed in the right space. At Red Bear Equestrian,...
by redbearequestrian | Oct 14, 2022 | Blog
Welcome to You Got This Equestrian Confidence Series by Hayley at Red Bear Equestrian. This week I am chatting with Sue from Coach Connolly, chatting about Sue’s journey and sharing with you some real-life stories, hints and tips to build your confidence as a...
by redbearequestrian | Jul 22, 2022 | Blog
I am so excited to be compiling some of the top tips that our followers shared with us as well as the tips that we use ourselves. Think of your confidence like a muscle. When you first start a new sport or take up exercise, your muscles are still, sore, they ache....
by redbearequestrian | Jul 1, 2022 | Blog
Welcome to You Got This Equestrian Confidence Series by Hayley at Red Bear Equestrian. This week we welcome some of our Brand Ambassadors. Nadia Lolly Lily-May Alice (and Charlotte) Caleb Winnie Join us while we they share the best parts of being an equestrian and...
by redbearequestrian | Jun 10, 2022 | Blog
We all know ground work is one of the key elements to building a bond and total trust with your horse or pony, but it is one of those things that we either love or hate. Plus for many of us either us or our horses have to be in the mood for it, then we have to have...