by redbearequestrian | Feb 26, 2024 | Blog, Uncategorized
It has been a while since I have written a blog but this is the start of a series about our products. If you’re a rider who’s tired of struggling to find riding clothes that fit *just right*, you’ve landed in the right space. At Red Bear Equestrian,...
by redbearequestrian | Aug 12, 2022 | Blog
Welcome to You Got This Equestrian Confidence Series by Hayley at Red Bear Equestrian. This week I am joined for part two by Nadia from Tales of an Anxious Amateur. Join us while we talk equestrian and rider confidence alongside hearing loss and the impact this has....
by redbearequestrian | Aug 5, 2022 | Blog
Happy Friday. This one is a short one, but one I would love you to take action on this weekend. We concentrate a lot on our confidence and how to build it, but what about our horses confidence? So before you ride, after you ride, instead of or even while you are...
by redbearequestrian | Jul 22, 2022 | Blog
I am so excited to be compiling some of the top tips that our followers shared with us as well as the tips that we use ourselves. Think of your confidence like a muscle. When you first start a new sport or take up exercise, your muscles are still, sore, they ache....
by redbearequestrian | Jul 8, 2022 | Blog
Sometimes as an equestrian we put our emotions onto our horses and how we feel impacts on them, although it can work the other way. We can think our horses feel a certain way and this impacts on us. In this situation how we react is key. For example, we were out for a...