Because of the heat we have been looking for new activities to do with our horses which keep them cool.
There have been lots of early morning or late evening rides and groundwork but during the day I needed something to keep my daughter and her pony busy.
Plus something that didn’t cause them to get any hotter.
So obviously is started with picking the right outfit for the stables from our latest range, but then time to think about the pony.
Her top three activities so far have been;
1.Water fights, although these start as showers for the ponies and quickly turn into water fights usually with the ponies joining in by tipping buckets and throwing them (one of their favourite pass times).
2. Carrot Stretches, they need to keep supple for riding and stretching really improves the stiffness if they are not ridden for a few days and also you can use these to build up one side if it is not as flexible.
3. Apple Bobbing.
Yes apple bobbing. This started as my daughter was worried her pony was not drinking enough, as I needed to get home I needed a quick and easy way to get the pony to water. This ended up being their favourite game.
We started with a big tub with a shallow amount of water, we showed her the apples then placed in the water, after a few minutes she found it and ate it. From here we built up how many apples we put in and to not luring her to bob with apple. She got quicker and quicker.
Soon we were throwing apples into a bucket from a distance and she would hear them hit the water and bob for them.
This is the perfect game, no mess, kept the kids busy and the ponies hydrated and their minds active.
Plus they could play in the shade and keep cool.
Wonder what we will try next…….I would love to hear what games you have been playing with your horses and ponies.